Company Name: Coltejer
Position(s): Engineering Intern
How did this role help me as a future Documentation Engineer?
This role provided me with valuable experience in technical analysis and problem-solving. It also enhanced my ability to collaborate with diverse teams and understand complex industrial processes.
Industry: Textile: Manufacturing
Key Projects:
Mercerizer Project
- Description: Worked on improving the efficiency and performance of the mercerizing process.
- Role in project: Assisted in the analysis and optimization of the staff’s work at the mercerizer.
- Outcome: Redistributed and recalculated the number of staff members required at each part of the machine.
Whitening Machine Project
- Description: Focused on optimizing the process of machine intervention to improve quality, reduce waste, and improve overall production times.
- Role in project: Supported the team in identifying bottlenecks and implementing process improvements.
- Outcome: Reduced waste at the beginning of the process by identifying re-process coming from the Rionegro facilities, optimized process at the whitening machine.
Forklift Project
- Description: Analyzed the Forklift routes, gas consumption, and production times.
- Role in project: Worked on the entire project on my own, from beginning to end.
- Outcome: The forklifts were redistributed and their staff re-trained.
Given more freedom and independence with time, which helped develop problem-solving skills and confidence in handling complex tasks.
Worked closely with one superior and two main coworkers, also collaborated with many people on the factory floor.
One of the projects was very physically demanding, requiring significant effort and stamina.
Type of Work
Impact on Company
Reduced the costs of production for the finishing plant, contributing to overall operational efficiency and cost savings.
Asked on two occasions to stay on as a full-time employee after the internship.
Lessons Learned
Learned about how analysis can lead to finding quick and effective solutions, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision-making.